Jom kita baca rules of this tag...***tak sah klu tag x der rules....hehehe...**
a. It’s harder than it’s looks….
b. Copy to your own notes….
c. Erase my answers…..
d. Enter yours and tag twenty (20) people…..
f. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following question.They have to be real.Nothing made up.If the person before u had the same first initial, u must use different answers.
g. You cannot use any word twice…..
h. You can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question…..

Okay...rules dah baca...sekarang nak jawab plak...
~ What is your name ~ Juliana
~ A four letter word ~ Jump
~ A boy’s name ~ Jeffrey
~ A girl’s name ~ Jasmine
~ An Occupation ~ Jurutera
~ A colour ~ Jingga
~ Something u wear ~ Jeans
~ A food ~ Jagung
~ Something found in the bathroom ~ Jamban
~ A place ~ Japan
~ A reason for being late ~ Jap..jap..saya x jumpe kunci keta tadi!
~ Something u shout ~ Jommmmmmmm
~ A movie title ~ Jangan Pandang Belakang
~ Something u drink ~ Jus oren, jus mangga, jus guava....
~ A musical group ~ Jinbara
~ An animal ~ Jaws
~ A street name ~ Jalan Ampang (Aku kan org Ampang...promote ar sket! hehehe)
~ A type of car ~ Jaguar
Then tag to 20 people
Ramainye 20 orang? Er kalau x cukup 20 orang bole x? heheheh...
QueenWizza , Whitey Mommy, Opah Ju, Mommy Pinky, My Lucky Tuah, From Labis with Love, Coretan Uda, story about me, matahati-aishahazhari, aNgAh_aLiFaH, Nurul Azham's Family, FnF, cikpuanezah, iNdahKah Hidup iNI???, A good reason to move on, Simple & Pure.
Sape2 yg rajin dialu-alukan membuat TAG ini!
* Thanx to Maslina (mama Rizqullah) sbb sudi TAG Jue... Memang sonok wat TAG ni tau, kita kena pikirkan benda berdasarkan initial name kita... Cam aku, siap mintak tolong ngan member2 opis lagi sbb dh blur...x tau nk pikir ape dh ape2 yg bermula dgn huruf J.
Apapun...ini hanya nak eratkan silaturrahim antara kita je..
~~~Have fun~~~
* Copy sket2 ayat Maslina. eheheh...

Salam Jumaat, zana dah buat..ngeh2 XD
Mommy Pinky : Owh...klu dh buat xpe la Zana. Jap g K.jue g tgk!
kak jue... dah 2 kali buat... huhuhu
alaaaa....kena jawab ke....skang ni mood mengetag dh ilang kelaut....hehehe....tgk la ptg2 karang..kalau rajin
ok .. nanti uda jawab.. hehehe yg maslina bg pun tak jawab lagik.. suka tul menangguh kerja..
Whitey Mommy : Dah 2 kali buat? Rajinnye wat smpai 2 kali...hehehe.
mamarempit : Klu kak norli x nk wat pn x pe... ;)
Uda : Hahaha...wat jgn x wat. Dh 2 org tag nih!
hahaha.. xdela kak jue.. enjoy je jwb tag2 nie.. nnt jemput irnie lg k.. irnie sedia menjawb.. hehehe
irnie @ ninie : Okey...len kali klu ada tag mengetag ni, k.jue ajak irnie wat jugak! ;)
Salam Jue...
Hehehe..samalah gak..aritu buat suh hubby yang pikirkan...sampai sengal kepala pikirkan lagi...nampak sangat dah lama x pikir2 benda yang kita anggap simple tapi sebenarnya sangat menarik...
Jue - dh buat le...mgu lepas..hehee....poneng mato macik buek Tag
Maslina : Tu la...nmpk cam senang jer kn? Jue jwb sendiri...10 jer! yg lain2 mintak tlg member ofis! hehehe..
mamarempit : ahahaha...samo la kito! ;P
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