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Friday, May 7, 2010

Award dari Ezzah lak!

Thank and link the person who gave you the award.. post the above award in your entry too..
Award ni dapat dari cikpuanezah. Thank you yer...

List the date of birth of your first child and your following children.. add also their names..
Wan Muqrie Raziq bin Wan Mohd Ridzwan - 29 Jun 2007
Wan Marsya Raniah binti Wan Mohd Ridzwan - 9 Julai 2008

Upload a picture of you with your children..

Aku baru prasan yg aku x byk amik gamba bertiga dgn anak2. Kalau ada pn gamba berdua samada ngn Muqrie atau ngn Rania or gamba kami berempat. Ok, ni gamba terbaru mase gi Langkawi 2 mnggu lepas...dlm entry seblom ni pn dh letak gamba ni. Cam boring jer letak gamba yg sama....

So, aku telah menggodek-godek pendrive lama...terjumpa la satu gamba ni je yg aku bertiga. Aku x kira....nk gak upload gamba ni! Hehehe...

Ni mase gi Zoo Negara thn lepas...tgk jer date kt gamba tu. Excited nk gi Zoo mase ni sbb mase ni Muqrie suke sebut Elephant. Pantang nmpk gamba elephant kt buku atau kt TV msti bwk dia gi tgk the real elephant! ;P
* ni Muqrie tgh tgk buaya kot.

p/s : Prasan x Muqrie pakai baju yg sama? heheh...Muqrie ni size dia sama je dr dulu smpai skang cuma dah tinggi sket je tu yg baju2 dia bole pakai lama.... ;D

Pass the award to all mommy bloggers you know! Let them know k..
Aku pass kt award ni utk SUME MOMMY'S YG DLM BLOGSLIST aku! yeayyy...adilkn? tapi aku cuma letak 1 nama jer kt cni...korang yg lain jgn kecik ati lak.

Ni makcik aku...adik kpd my mom. Disebabkan my mom xde aku letak blog my Mak Tam je kt cni sebagai tanda penghargaan kpdnye sempena Hari Ibu ni...Luv U Mak Tam!!!!!

Opah Ju - Mama Nana, Nani & Najat


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